Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art is the meaning of life

Have you ever matter what is the meaning of life for YOU? This thought popped up in my mind while I was on my way home enjoyed my music. I didn't know because of view along the way or this song..."Je ne veux pas travailler".
Imagining, along the way home was old buildings like " boxes " with terrible traffic at 6 o'clock in the evening. The song started and led my thoughts of France. The song brought me back my old memory in Paris with enjoying view of BKK! I always wonder some details happened in my life...why why why...even it is just a little thing or it can be ridiculous for the others.

I think the matter of thoughts made people different and enjoy the world in different ways too. Earlier I thought of my blog "going youth" as a sharing of how to make us LOOK youth but now I feel people know how to look after themselves for physical very well. Otherwise people forget to care their minds. They focus on their majoring of lives such as careers, monetary, kids, etc. until some little details are missing in their lives.

I created my own art of youth through my pictures....I call them " Color mood ". It's just my photos which I made colorful each frames. I found them different in colors and also with moods. Haha I am not sure if the others can follow my thoughts today. 

For me, art is around and they effect my emotional. Art for me is atmosphere, people, many different and little things like garbage until virus (if I could see it!). So what about the meaning life of you? Have you ever considered something little as an art of your life? Or you just live your life as a robot...waking up in the morning and going to work. Have you ever seen people next to you? The same view you see everyday, someday it inspires you something? Think about that...enjoy youth through your heart and soul, not only through huge money buying cosmetic and supplementary..." WE ONLY GET ONE LIFE " :)

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