Sunday, July 31, 2011

Youth without Orange-Peel-Skin

Yahoo Weekend! Just a thought of weekend can lead me of "Going Youth ", because I know it's time for relaxation. Yesterday I went out at the shopping mall, I saw many chic-girls with hip-shorts and dresses! As soon as some of them turned around and I saw their behinds...their legs...with " Orange-Peel-Skin! ".

This becomes a priority problem of girls these days, it's another disaster for " Going Youth "! A huge quantity of females and males are diagnosed with fatty deposits, a dimpled skin ailment at times colloquially depicted as having the likeness of a grapefruit rind or farmer cheese. Cellulite marks, which reveal themselves after adolescence, affect the section in the area of the inner legs, butt, and tummy.

The dented texture is an outgrowth of enlarged fat cells which lead to the corresponding wrinkling and dimpling. Fatty deposits can be basically minor and take place just in one or two areas on the figure, however several women and males have diverse places of the unappealing orange-peel skin. Hold responsible evolving fashion fads; centuries ago, fatty deposits, even simply put fatness, had a particular status as a statement of material abundance and prestige.

The causes of cellulite comprise of a heavy fatty regimen together with an inactive routine. Although, some men and women are naturally inclined to produce the ailment. Various chemicals released by cells, including progesterone and insulin, assist to engender cellulite by nourishing the essential fat cells. Skin tight jeans also plays a role in producing cellulite. Particularly, tight elastic underwear across the butt has been demonstrated to cause orange-peel skin by limiting blood circulation, and even dress shoes that are designed to rebalance weight, for example dress shoes, also assist to develop irregular-skin. Cigarette smoking is a prominent element.
So what is the most effective approach to get rid of cellulite marks?  Most of people have been supported by doctors, including new technology or irregular-skin lotions. Actually the easiest ways, we should start from changing our routine such as avoiding to wear too tight jeans or high-heel shoes frequently because those behaviors are limiting blood circulation. Moreover we should sometimes massage as circle our bodies especially our cellulite's problem area to stimulate our blood circulation working well. The rest only going back to the rule of " Going Youth ", THINK WELL, EAT WELL, AND LIVE HAPPILY so Youth is always on you hand! XOXO

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time for Tea

Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world, second after water. Among all varieties of tea - black, green, white, oolong, red, herbal - which one offers the most health benefits?

Benefits of Tea

Numerous studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of antioxidant polyphenols. Some studies have suggested that tea's polyphenols may reduce the risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers, if one consumes 4 to 6 cups daily. Another study showed that just 2 cups of tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 46 percent in women. Other studies have found that polyphenols help prevent blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels. One Japanese study found that green tea lowers death rates from heart disease.

Everyone know how tea gives benefits to your health when you drink it frequently. Have you ever known the tea gives you youth with health since you start to make tea? Why? A well-made cup of hot tea can warm the heart and soul of any tea lovers.

I am the one of tea lovers even though I am not a master of tea maker! I find many pleasant steps for youth during the method of making tea!

When I boil the water for tea, my face can feel of steamed water. It's another good way for cleansing your face deeply included relaxing feeling. Also I can use tea leaves for dark eye circles and puffiness. You know the best feeling I love the most before drinking tea, is smelling it. Each senses of tea can help you relaxed in different moods. Absolutely...the rest just drink it..all benefit for heath system is there!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Love Can Improve Your Health

We've all heard about the studies suggesting happily married people live longer, but can love alone really have that much of an impact on your health? Today we are going to talk how love affects to our lives. 

Healthy hugging

A study conducted by doctors at the University of North Carolina, published in the July/August, 2005 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine, discovered that hugging has measurable benefits for the heart. Researchers asked 38 couples to sit close to one another, talk, and then hug. Afterwards, women showed somewhat lower levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure, while both men and women had increased levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone.
Results from just one cuddle were minor, but frequent snuggling can have a real impact. One of the study's leaders, Kathleen Light, Ph.D, noted that in women with the highest levels of oxytocin, systolic blood pressure (peak pressure in the arteries) was 10 mm/Hg lower in women with low oxytocin levels. That, she says, is an effect similar to the one a woman would get from a typical blood pressure medication. Although men don't get the same blood pressure reduction from hugging, it's believed they get similar benefits from regular sex.

Making love
It's more than just exercise. As an article in November 1997 issue of Men's Health explained, there are numerous health benefits to love-making. Many are the same as non-physical expressions of love, but stronger. For instance, simply being in love increases your DHEA levels, but as one researcher interviewed for the article stated, "Just before orgasm and ejaculation, DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual."
But there are some benefits to love-making that non-physical affection doesn't supply. Another study concluded that, over a ten-year period, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die as men who had sex less than once a month. This applied to the young as well as the elderly. Regular intercourse also promotes prostate health by reducing the likelihood of fluid build-up in the organ. For women, love-making increases estrogen levels, which helps keep the heart healthy. Both partners benefit from emotional intimacy during sex, which eases stress and fosters an overall sense of well-being.
But promiscuity's not the answer. In an article in the July, 2001 issue of Ebony magazine, Fred Ernst, a professor of psychiatry, neurology and behavioral science at Meharry Medical College, explained that heath-promoting sex can't be separated from deep emotional connection. He was quoted as saying, "A good sex life stems from a good relationship."
It's not just the inside that benefits; making love can help keep you looking good, too. As reported by the BBC, Dr. David Weeks at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, couples with a healthy sex life can look up to seven years younger than those who aren't as intimate. He believes this is because sex reduces external signs of aging caused by stress.

A loving marriage

There are hundreds of studies out there on the effects of a happy marriage on physical health and while there are some contradictions, most indicate being in a loving, supportive marriage has significant health benefits. After examining mortality statistics, UCLA researchers found that the death rate was "significantly higher" for unmarried people than for married people living with their spouse. The effect was most dramatic in the never-married.
This may be in part because happily married people are less likely to indulge in risky behaviors out of concern for their spouse. In 2004, A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found that married people are significantly less likely to smoke or drink heavily. A study conducted by Harvard University researchers found that married women are 20 percent less likely than single women die of stress-related causes like heart disease, suicide and cirrhosis of the liver, while married men are 100 to 200 percent times less likely to die of these causes than single men are. What's more, statistics have also shown married people are less likely to be victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other violent crimes.

Considering what a powerful emotion love is, maybe it shouldn't be surprising that it can protect your heart, up you levels of youthful hormones, and even lower your cholesterol. Love may have its ups and downs, but overall, at least from a medical perspective, it's worth it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't just eat, EAT WELL

Another working day is starting. Have you been ready yet? What do you start with your day? A cup of coffee? Does it enough to give you energy for your day with your constantly beauty? 

I would like to suggest you the 5 simple foods, you should have every single days to keep youth and keep organ system working well;

1. Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

2. Nuts
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye vending machine runs!


3. Onions
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.

4. Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.

5. Yogurt
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. 

It's better to add life to your years than to add years to your life. See you next time with more simple solutions for your youth and you still enjoy living life!

Friday, July 22, 2011

May all your travels inspire you

Hello Weekend! Finally the days,everyone has been looking for the whole week, arrives! I know you have been working very hard along the week, some people may be working on Saturday as well. You have already had all stress along your weekday, what about your weekend? Many people are getting rest at home and I admit that sleeping tightly and enough is very useful to recover your body from all exhausting. But what about after that? Come on..don't live your life like a robot..home, work, home, work.. Let's living life!

Have you ever heard " Life is a journey literally " ?
In life..we travel.

We travel for work.
We travel for love.
Or simply to find what lies..within.

Some travel for hope.
Some merely for survival.

Sometimes the destination is all that matters.
But most of the time,the journey is what really counts.

The journey of life is full of moments that matter.

The world is too much beautiful. Traveling is one of the best choices to recharge your battery after all hectic weekday for you. Find any destinations which no matters lies are. Just remember " When you begin your as light as possible, both your bags and mind. But do come back refilled, refreshed and overloaded with energy, ideas, inspirations and of course YOUTH! "

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy with little details

This morning I went to the temple called " Wat Arun or Temple of the Dawn ", I found the pure beauty and very simply of life. There were many thoughts popped up in my mind regarding to lives and human being when I just kept looking each details of architecture.


The outstanding feature of Wat Arun is its central prang (Khmer-style tower). Begun in 1809, it may have been named "Temple of the Dawn" because the first light of morning reflects off the surface of the temple with a pearly iridescence. Steep steps lead up to two terraces. The height is reported by different sources as between 66.8 m (219 ft) and 86 m (282 ft). The corners are surrounded by 4 smaller satellite prangs. The prangs are decorated by seashells and bits of porcelain which had previously been used as ballast by boats coming to Bangkok from China. The presiding Buddha image, cast in the reign of Rama II, is said to have been moulded by His Majesty himself. The ashes of King Rama II are buried in the base of the image.
The central prang is topped with a seven-pronged trident, referred to by many sources as the "Trident of Shiva".

What does it make me think of it? In this picture, I looked at statues carried this prang around the stairway, it reminded me of ordinary people especially people in town. They have got all responsibilities and duties which they must carry and handle each days...just like the statues. Differentially, the statues have got no feeling like us...if they did..they might have been said " Oh! That was very heavy...anyone would prefer to shift with me? Or " Looked at me...people from all over the world came to see me everyday and took my pictures, I was handsome thought ". What about people think about what they carry all these days?

In this issue, I would like to remind everyone...youth comes from your heart passed through your thoughts. You are getting youth everyday through what you see and what you think each days. Some little things, some people may not realize,but some people they may get their attention which made them happy!

You are what you want, not only you are what you eat....Youth is in your soul...for everyone...

Get rich with vitamins

I read Bazaar magazine this morning and there was a column looking for health. It also talks of " Kiwi " which you may already like the taste but here we are going to talk of marvelous benefit we get from it!

Kiwi fruits are rich in many Vitamins, flavonoids and minerals. In particular, they contain a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges), as much potassium as bananas and a good amount of beta-carotene.

Anti Oxidant properties of Kiwi Fruit

It is important to note that kiwi fruits contain a remarkable amount of Vitamin C, E and A. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that has been proven to protect our body from free radicals, dramatically improving the health of individuals who consumed it regularly against all kinds of disease, from cardiovascular problems to cancer and obesity.
Vitamin E has been proven to have similar effects, but is fat-soluble and thus is complimentary to Vitamin C in its functions. Kiwi fruits contain both these vitamins in high amount, which help protect our body against free radicals from all fronts.

Kiwi fruits have a high fiber content

The high content in dietary fiber helps improving diseases such as diabetes, by controlling sugar levels, and colon cancer, since fiber binds to toxic compounds in the colon and helps us expel them.
Fiber has also been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, improving the conditions of patients with cardiovascular diseases and lowering the probability of heart attacks.

Summary of Kiwifruit Health Benefits

Eating kiwi fruit is clearly a healthy choice, and it is particularly useful in these cases:
  • Prevents Asthma
  • Prevents wheezing and coughing, especially in children
  • Protects our DNA from mutations
  • Provides a healthy amount of antioxidants and vitamins
  • Helps prevent colon cancer thanks to a high fiber content
From now on Kiwi may become a kind of the first fruit you think about...cheers!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

With Love for your skin

As the end of the summer season approaches, many of us sport that attractive tell-tale sign of fun in the sun:  Peeling skin.   Today I have an excellent recipe for Body Scrub to gently and thoroughly exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells. Body scrubs feel wonderful and relieve the itch of flaking skin.
  • 2/3 cup ground almonds
  • 1/3 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 teaspoon of herbs (lavender, chamomile, etc) (optional)
  • Plain yogurt, milk, or buttermilk, sufficient to make a paste
  • Essential Oils for scent (optional)
Combine the dry ingredients in a blender or food processor until they are reduced to a coarse meal. Keep this "scrub base" in a glass jar with a screw top in your refrigerator until ready to use. When you want to use the scrub base, scoop out 1/4 cup into a small bowl, and stir in enough of the liquid ingredients (vary it by what you have on hand -- yogurt and milk are best, but water works) to make a paste. Yogurt and milk are natural exfoliates known as alpha hydroxy acids, and they will slough off dead skin cells even without the scrub. Scoop up the paste with your hands or a washcloth, and rub over your body to exfoliate peeling skin.  Rinse thoroughly.

So you can feel your new skin from the first touch...softly! Enjoy your spa at home!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Get Gorgeous Figure II

You know we are not able to deny that the part of gorgeous figure is " Doing exercise ". I used to be the one who always found excuses that I needed to go gym and I needed a trainer so I could work it out. That's not true at all! I am quite sure there are many people thought like me so that's why we didn't make it better....except we could be at a day dream thinking  of gorgeous figure with sexy breast and butt like Victoria Secret's models!!!

Here is a video that I found on Youtube. It is very useful and we can start at our homes;

Anyway, your gorgeous figure will come true or not, it will depend on how much you are serious to stick making resolutions about exercising to get in shape. This "How-to" can help you with some ideas to provide the little nudge you need.


  1. Do something you enjoy. If you like it, it's more likely you'll keep at it. Not all workouts are at a gym: try biking, inline skating, rowing, skateboarding, swimming, hockey, or a rugby team; even dancing in your bedroom with an ipod. Enjoyment is the key to sticking with it.
  2. Make time to exercise. Make a conscious effort to replace some unnecessary and not particularly enjoyable habit, like watching a TV show that isn't very good, with an exercise-involving activity. Rather than worrying about fitting exercise into your schedule, you can just feel a sense of accomplishment content in the knowledge you haven't made your schedule any worse.
  3. Make a commitment. Don't just make a mental promise to yourself. Get a journal. Write down what you want to accomplish, and set a time frame for reaching your goals. Make a contract, and sign it. Include pictures of your dream dress, or smaller size pants, if it helps you define your goals.
  4. Don't be afraid to shoot for the stars. As Walt Disney said, If you can dream it, you can do it. If you've never worked out before, or haven't worked out in a long time, don't expect you'll be able to work out for an hour a day--six days a week! Try starting out with three, 30-minute sessions of aerobic exercise per week. Then after two weeks, incorporate two weight lifting sessions in-between your aerobic days. You can even start with just a few minutes each day. That can be enough to motivate you to keep going.
  5. Spread the word! Tell your husband, wife, sister, friends--anyone. We always do better when we think someone else is watching! Don't be obnoxious and remind everyone all the time, but let your close friends and relatives know about your goals. Ask them to encourage you once-in-a-while. Sometimes, it's nice to remind your grandma not to stock her kitchen with all those scrumptious goodies.
  6. Get out the charts. You can weigh yourself, although weight is not always an accurate view of fitness. Record your weight and BMI. Though these aren't precise measures of progress, it's sweet to look back when you're done with it all, and feel satisfied. Take measurements of your waist, hips, thighs, and neck. These are much more accurate. A "before" picture would be fun afterwards!
  7. Learn. If you are shooting to lose weight, you must learn to eat healthily. Don't "fall into" a diet. You would "fall out" eventually. Things like weight watchers can help you learn, but I simply recommend developing a lifestyle you will want to keep, and using your common sense. See tips for more help.
  8. Drink water! Drinking water is absolutely the best thing you can do for your body. Always bring water to your workout sessions.
  9. Have fun! Leaving on the same note we started, working out is not fun if you constantly think, "When am I going to get skinny?". Grab a friend and dance! Go play tag, or have races! Just keep moving!

Get Gorgeous Figure I

If your body could talk what would it say about you? 

We’ve all heard the old adage ‘you are what you eat’, but have you ever stopped to think exactly how true that is? Put simply, healthy eating is the key to wellbeing. We all have up to 100 trillion cells in our bodies, each one demanding a constant supply of daily nutrients in order to function optimally. Food affects all of these cells, and by extension, every aspect of our being: mood, energy levels, food cravings, thinking capacity, sex drive, sleeping habits and general health. If you feed your body junk and convenience foods it’ll simply lay down fat, lower your energy, even your brain power. 

Here are some tips for Healthy Juices that I love them so much!

Boost and cleanse our system.
Carrot + Ginger + Apple

Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery

Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.
Apple + Carrot + Tomato

Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Bitter gourd + Milk + Apple

Improve skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Cucumber + Ginger + Orange

To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon

To improve skin complexion.
Cucumber + Apple + Kiwi

Regulates sugar content.
Pear + Banana

Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.
Apple + Mango + Pear + Carrot

Rich in vitamin C + vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Grapes + Honeydew + Watermelon + Milk

Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Pineapple + Papaya + Milk

Rich in vitamins with nutritious and prevent constipation.
Pineapple + Banana + Milk

Every woman can be beautiful naturally. Let's start with good health...Beauty from inside!!