Friday, August 5, 2011

Youth of Today

Positive experiences + Positive relationships + Positive Environments = Positive Youth Development

It was for a while I didn't be back for " Going Youth ". I recognized while I have been very busy with my work, it's the worst way to stealing my youth! Have you ever thought backward while you were a child? That was marvelous experience with no responsibility, no tension, no serious relationships, etc. I spent most of the time playing and dreaming. I enjoyed every moments of life. What about today? I think I am still happy with my life but I am looking for " Going Youth and Keeping Youth " because there are many factors from inside (me)and outside (environment, human, etc) stealing my youth. I always tell people for positive support and I always do many times for self-motivation and support.

Though I have been kept finding the way " Going Youth " like eating well, I never forget that I should go back to check my mind and my feeling. Positive thinking for ourselves is the best for " Going Youth ".

How much do you love yourself? How much do you think of yourself? Be back for positive life to keep positive youth development for yourself today!